ESKF 2nd UK Open Online Kata Championships, 7 Mar 2021

The Shotokan-ZA Team again excelled at the recent the ESKF 2nd UK Open Online Kata Championships which took place on 7 Mar 2021. It was hosted by Mr Essam Shreif of the England Shotokan Karate-Do Federation(ESKF). There were 246 entries from 22 countries.

Shotokan-ZA entered a team of 8 competitors and 4 of them placed! Although we are very proud of all the competitors, a very special congratulations must go out to Bryce Hornby, who took Gold in the Senior (18-35y) division! This was his first time competing in this division and to win it was fantastic!  

Our competitors placed as follows:
– 🥇Bryce Hornby (18) from the Kyalami Shotokan Karate Dojo, Kyalami.
– 🥉James-Junior Maasberg (23) from the Samurai Dojo, Krugersdorp.
– 🥉Danelle Botes (16) from the Luiperds Karate Club, Rayton.
– 🥉Shannon Olivier (14) from the Samurai Dojo, Krugersdorp.