

  • Constitution of Shotokan South Africa
  • Privacy Policy which governs your use of the Shotokan-ZA’s website.
  • We apply WUKF Competition Rules at Shotokan South Africa at events [Updated: 24 May 2021].
  • Shotokan-ZAs Brand Identity Manual [Updated: 18 Aug 2017]
  • SZA Team Standards. These standards shows what behaviour we value and strive towards. It also shows what behaviour we will not tolerate and the consequences for transgressions.



  • Full SZA pre-school to advanced grades curriculum/syllabus
    Content amendments made at the SZA Standardisation Seminar: 09-11 Feb 2024 and also on 23 Jul 2024 (p 14-15).
    • Pre-School: Kiddies Yellow to Black
    • Novice Grades: Pre-Yellow (9th Kyû), Yellow (8th Kyû), Orange (7th Kyû)
    • Lower Intermediate Grades: Green (6th Kyû), Blue (5th Kyû)
    • Higher Intermediate Grades: Purple & Red (4th Kyû), Brown (3rd Kyû, 2nd Kyû & 1st Kyû), including Jnr Black (1st Kyû)
    • Advanced Grades (Jnr Black 3 & Shodan to Godan)

Grading Requirements

Pre-School/ to Blue 5th Kyû Gradings are held at dojo/club level by the Dojo Head or the Senior Instructor (Sandan and above).
Purple to Jnr Black/1st Kyû Gradings are held at regional level by a panel of Senior Examiners.
Dan Gradings are held at national level by a panel of Senior Examiners.

  • Dinky grades: 10 classes are required to attempt grading.
  • Pre-Yellow to 5th Kyû: 30 classes are required to attempt grading.
  • 4th to 1st Kyû: 40 classes are required to attempt grading.
  • Shodan: 60 classes, since 1st Kyu (Brown 6) grading, are required to attempt grading. Candidates must be 16 years or older.
  • Nidan: 24 months on Shodan (160 classes attended) required to attempt grading.
  • Sandan: 36 months on Nidan (240 classes attended) required to attempt grading.

Criteria for SZA Awards

Shotokan-ZA colours will be awarded by the Organisation to individuals as described below.

a. Level 1: Junior Colours
These colours will be awarded to all juniors (under 18) selected to represent Shotokan-ZA at an International Championship and/or who won a gold medal at the SZA National Championship or another national tournament as approved by the Executive.

b. Level 2: Half Colours
These colours will be awarded to seniors (18 and older) who won a gold medal at the SZA National Championship or another national tournament as approved by the Executive.

c. Level 3: Full Colours
These colours may be awarded to seniors who have been selected to represent Shotokan-ZA at International Championships, or members who meritoriously distinguished themselves.

List of Kata (as per WUKF)

Kata [Nr of moves – 1st Kiai – 2nd Kiai]


01. Heian Shodan [21-09-17]

02. Heian Nidan [26-11-26]

03. Heian Sandan [20-10-20]

04. Heian Yondan [27-13-25]

05. Heian Godan [23-12-19]


06. Tekki Shodan [29-15-29]

07. Bassai Dai [42-19-42]

08. Enpi [37-15-36]

09. Kankû Dai [65-15-64]

10. Jion [47-17-47]

11. Hangetsu [41-11-40]


12. Tekki Nidan [24-16-24]

13. Tekki Sandan [36-16-36]

14. Bassai Shô [27-17-22]

15. Chinte [33-09-32]

16. Unsu [48-36-48]

17. Jitte [24-13-24]

18. Sôchin [40-28-40]

19. Nijûshiho [33-18-32]20.

20. Gojûshiho Shô  [65-57-64]

21. Gojûshiho Dai [62-54-61]

22. Gankaku [42-28-42]

23. Kankû Shô [47-06-47]

24. Meikyô [32-32]

25. Wankan [25-25]

26. Jiin [35-11-35]